Francis Parker Middle and Upper School
Construction Manager of new construction of upper and middle school classrooms, science building, library, arts and music buildings, lecture hall and administration facilities. Responsibilities included design team negotiations, preparation of design team agreements, document coordination during design, permitting documents, contractor negotiations, preparation of contractor agreements, lead role in value engineering process, established development budget, and day to day administration of project including distribution and management of project schedule, quality control, change order request, payment applications, photographs, submittals, request for information and daily reports/photographs. The design team is San Antonio, Texas based architects Lake Flato and Associates – 2004 AIA Architect of the Year. In 2007, Francis Parker Middle and Upper School was the only project in the city of San Diego to receive an Orchid Award for new construction design and construction execution. The estimated value of this project is $70,000,000. << Back to Portfolio

Middle and Upper School Library Exterior

Middle and Upper School Library Interior

Upper School Classrooms Exterior

Upper School Classrooms Exterior
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